
Angel Adams – Born in July, 1973

Oldest of 4 Children

Both of parents are, in 2 words, ridiculously creative.

I grew up exceptionally poor. We moved around a lot, living with various people. When I was 3 years old, I was involved in an accident that left my 1 year old sister severely burned. They (not my parents) actually told me that I had killed her.

Months later, I was able to see my baby sister for the first time and I started a long recovery from what they later called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  After our healing began, my parents were finally able to buy some land and start building a house. When I was 6, we moved out to the country into our tiny little one room “shack” where I learned, with the rest of my siblings, how to live without running water, indoor plumbing or electricity. We were essentially a modern day “Little House on the Prairie” family.

When I was much older, my grandparents, with the help of a greedy landlord, bought the land out from under my parents. Within 2 weeks, we had no land on which to live and my grandparents burned our house to the ground. I was twelve.

By the time I turned 13 years old, my mom moved us to “the city”. It was a small town of about 20,000 people. We had running water and electricity. My parents had unbelievable amounts of stress on them and for their own reasons, were divorced. But, it was here that I would learn my love for music.  For the first time, I was able to have a radio and listen anytime I wanted to…I was enamored with entertaining and I wanted to do it for the rest of my life.  I only share all of this because, I am certain that these pieces of my life have allowed me to write the songs I write…and for that, I am grateful.

I write for the kids who have nothing, for the underdogs, for the broken-hearted and for the champions. I don’t just write songs, I write songs that make people fall back in love with life again.

Now…I am “all grown up” living in a home busy home with my partner.  We have a beautiful baby girl and 4 amazing protectors…our family pack of dogs that I’m not ashamed to admit that my daughter is the leader of…

4 thoughts on “About

  1. jammiekern says:

    I’m the first to like this. boom.

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